A Body

Summer is HERE!!

You might think “Wow! Summer must be your favorite season.”

Nope. Not really.

Spring is! (minus the plant sperm that is flying everywhere trying to kill me)

The only reason why I might prefer summer over other seasons is that I can eat ice cream in public without being judged.

So why am I talking about summer?

Summer is the only season where you are expected to have a certain type of body.

The beach body.

Once it starts to get warm everyone starts going to the gym, counting calories and ignoring the feelings of their favorite foods; calling them junk food.

Who was there when you broke up with your boyfriend?! Huh?! How about when you failed that exam?! You say such hurtful things to foods who has provided such comfort to your soul.

Why can’t summer just be like all the other seasons and let us have the body we already have? Is it because since its hot, the clothes that you wear to beat the heat are designed to show off your body?

Well guess what?! I am going to the beach and my body looks like my body in the winter, spring and fall.

And I have a beach body.

All. Year. Round.

I am somebody. With a body. Standing on a body… of water… (so the beach)

Henceforth, a beach body.

So that’s why I don’t understand why my friends beat themselves up to “get ready” for the summer. They spend weeks dieting and exercising just to “be ready” for 3 months and then they revert to their normal habits for the remainder of the year. I think that as long as you are healthy then that’s your beach body.

Your body. On the beach.

I am not criticizing those who wants to be fit and just so happens the fit body is the “beach body”. If you want to be fit to have the strength to carry all your groceries in one go, then the more power to you! I just don’t think a season should be the right reason for you to look a certain way. There should be more to exercising, eating right and being healthy than the torment you go through for weeks just to have a shape that you don’t want to keep for more than one season.

So if you are melting under the torturous sun, bring your “beach body” to the beach!

So instead you can melt on the hot sand… under the hot sun… on the beach…





Image by <a href=”https://pixabay.com/users/JillWellington-334088/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=591576″>Jill Wellington</a> from <a href=”https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=591576″>Pixabay</a&gt;


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